petak, 23. kolovoza 2013.

10 things that STOP's you from being a true and happy Samurai

1.Man UP and stop being lazy. Your attitude and your persistant delaying is that is preventing you for completion of your own task or job. Isn't it smarter to finish every job you can as soon as you get that chance?

2. The burden of the past in the present relationships with people. New people in your life are not to blame for the wound with the previous people. Give other people the chance they deserve and if they betray you or use your trust for their personal interest, punish them in same manner or even worse, for educational purpose.

3. Negativity. Consider what else you can be grateful for in your life and you'll see that the glass is always half full.

4. Judgment of others. This is a luxury that you have and do when youve got extra time. Dedicate yourself to your dreams and responsobilitues and let other people live their lives.

5. Jealousy. Luck isnt having what you want, but wanting what you have. Stop jealously compare with other people. Every person has a downside, and you can never know what the real problems of other people are.

6. Insufficient confidence. Accept yourself fully and work on perfecting yourself and your dreams whenever you get the chance.

7. Past*** Let it be. It's really over. Reconciled with that and concentrate on the present moment.

8. The need for control. Sometimes it's best to let things happen on their own in life. Relax. Often the best way to drop the stress. Anyway someday entropy is going to get us all, so sometimes its pointless to be an obssesed control "nazi".

9. Expectations. Discard the expectations and you'll never be disappointed. Do not expect a lot of people and you'll be surprised when you get what you do not even expect it.

10. Never fear of your own percepcions, question everything and never give up on yourself and things that you love!