četvrtak, 31. siječnja 2013.

Code of a Warrior

Jiu Jitsu is a totally different lifestyle! On top of immense passion you have for any martial art or sports if you want to live Jiu Jitsu and to have progress in it, first of all it is necessary to reach a certain stage of maturity in your life and the way you live, you need to be discplined.
The life cycle of JiuJitsu can not survive if it is not consisted of the systems of values ​​and virtues, such as courage, goodness, kindness, justice, honesty, honor, commitment and loyalty.
So it is merely normal within Jiu Jitsu that excelent fighters are always compared with Samurai's and therefore it is logical for it because they bind with their precisely value system. That "samurai" system is called Bushido (Japanese 武士道,Bushido) which literally means "the way of the warrior" and describes the code of conduct and philosophy of life, in which they have been operated!
Nowdays in environments dominated and prevaled with conformism, laziness and failure it is logical and common that those contradictional values ​​have become incomprehensible phenomenon and majority doesnt understands them or merely someone lives by them.
If you do jiu jitsu, judo or any similar sport or martial art who advocated these similarities and if you live by the warrior code, often you will remain misunderstood and confronted with the opposing situations that will sometimes slow you down towards your goals.

"On Saturdays I like to go out!" - some say "On Sundays, I love to sleep or go to a coffee!" - Say others. "
It is best to fight others with your bare hands! "- ignorant says.
" We are never together! "- your girlfriend or boyfriend tells you.
Some say that you'll never achieve anything, that you waste your time.
"Start thinking about college or work" - parents say.
But think this, what they all know what does jiujitsu represent to you and what does Jiujitsu means to you?

What do they know about the tension and nerves that they do not let you sleep the night before a competition?! .. What do they know about fighting and trainings that you did when you were injured?! .. What do they know about the shock and pain you tolerate every single day and at every moment?! .. What do they know about the anxiety while you wait to get back on your mat?! .. What do they know as you gain or lose a second before the end of the battle, and for that you been preparing for that fight all the time, sometimes all year, what do they know how it feels?! .. What do they know what do you think and how do you feel when you are getting warmed up 20 minutes before the fight?! .. What do they know how bad it is when you have to pause because of injury?! .. What they know how much pain is when you have broken nose, cracked tooth, broken fingers, cracked ribs, hole in your knee, problems with your spine... ?! .. What do they know about what do you feel in my soul because of injury when you give up the struggle?! What do they know about cold showers that you experienced?! ..

What do they know how much you love this sport and their art!?!? .. What do they know about your other family, your friends and brothers from the "mats"? ... What do they know how does it feel when you climb on the winning podium?!! Will they ever experience the pride and beautiful emotions of that moment ?!?! Do they know that in Jiujitsu everything starts and ends with a bow, do they know it means respect? It doesnt matter if you are on the mats, internet forums, or alone with yourself, or with the heart of a team and on the other side your opponent principles are the same, its a  same thing, by entering a tatami every sound stops. In your mind, audience, referee and coach,every sound while you are entering on the mat, everything disappears around you ... Priceless feeling!

People who do not support you or the people who offends you they do not know that one club is one soul! This is our life, what do they know?! .. A lot of people say, "Jiujitsu has nothing to do with your life!".
I do not know if they know something about life, but about jiujitsu they certainly do not know anything! .. It is very easy to criticize fighters and martial arts, consider them a brute, non-athletes, but would you do that for a moment thatm just try it, my friend?

Those who dont know you and they think that you are ignorant conflicting individual, only beacuse you are trained and ready for any form of struggle or fight...no one knows the sacrifice that you need too make and endure to come and stand on the mat, accept yourself completely, look in the eye with an opponent and everytime give your best... Behind one great man who does JiuJitsu
for a living is a forgone youth, he does not take excuses or regrets for anything, it is just a price for him to realize his own dream.

We are losing guys, girls, priceless family moments, birthdays, nights out, summer and winter vacations .. But people do not see it - just saying that everthing is foolishness! So when you see someone who competes or lives JIU JITSU - respect him because to reach this, it took three and many times more effort than you can ever imagine!

So it turns out clearly that our environment knows almost nothing what is Jiu Jitsu because everything that JiuJitsu truely represents is being a true athletic warrior with all the great will that you need too have constatntly so you can overpower any physical and/or mental constrains only to achieve the next level of success.

That is the difference between ordinary man and a modern day Samurai!

(Some text is partly edited from Judo club POIROT)

utorak, 29. siječnja 2013.

Golden Age Of 30

Experiencing age of 30 in some chronological sense and as a society conditioned number, to me it really doesnt means a lot, but today's people regardless of gender, number 30 does represent them a certain psychological limit! Except that, society in many ways is conditioning them and limit them moustly in psychological way, but again on the other side from begining of man kind, it is very likely that this is always so, and therefore it has nothing to do with their "thirties", rather think it has nothing to do neither with any age!
So what should i say about the number and age "thirty"?
No. 30, as well as each other is just a number on the birth certificate! Are you going to accept something, in a way that will something work or benefit for you? How will you feel and how will you percieve something? Does it mather what your environment will be and how it might affect you? Will you be the product of it or will you strive to change it and make it better? Will you go towards life or run away from it? Will you solve problems? What will you do for a living? Who do you love? Do you want to be a healthy person? Finally...IT IS ALL UP TO YOU! EVERYTHING IS YOUR CHOICE.
Sooner or later all of the responsibility of your existence and the direction your life goes is in your hands, no matter how things are difficult or absurd, as you look the situation closely, that is the only way! "You have all the cards of the game called life, but you have to watch your time, because the clock is ticking, check your cards and give your best, even if you lose".

The problem of "losing" has nothing to do with any numbers, or how old you are. Nature of this problem is "invisible" and what is invisible to the eye is often most important and critical. The problem lies in the individual's own experience. Often we do not have adequate or enough life experience to realize the "path" in front of us or behind us! Often we do not know how to connect the dots, and to observe that the only correct way, and that is to live properly in proportion to our ability to "receive" our own experience, and that would mean that when we fail at something, at the same time we should learn from these mistakes!
Our wisdom or should i say, our art of living, deep knowledge, insight and ability to be reasonable comes from our experience, but firstly our experience comes from our own foolishness, our mistakes and delusions!

My thirties and My life till 30 brought me a variety of experiences, some were good, some bad, but even through the worst experiences, now that I look at it and when I "connect the dots" all the bad things that I had experienced it finally made me something good.
Sooner or later you will get wiser. So dont worry! Always "question" yourself and your thoughts and the way you think, give your best, and learn from it!
Some of the wisdom that you may learn till your "30 (40,50, xxx)" birthday...

1. People are not against you, moustly they are for themselves.

2. Do not climb the mountain so the world can see you, but clime it too see the world.

3. More lessons will you pull out of failure than from success, so do not let failure stop you. Failure strengthens and builds character. Learn from it.

4. The most dangerous of all risks - risk spend your life doing what you want it because you think you'll be able to purchase your freedom to do it sometime in the future.

5. Go where others "celebrates" you, and not where you are tolerated.

6. The person with whom you spend the most time in your life is your own self, because of that, try and learn as much as you can do, for yourself be as interesting as possible.

7. If you accept your limitations, you'll be able to overcome them, learn from them!

8. People often tell me that motivation doesnt last and sometimes that it isnt necessary for daily progress. Often I say: Effects do not last even when you bath or wash something or yourself. But what they contribute and benefit you, because of that it is recommended as a daily dose.

9. Every man I encountered in my life is afraid of something, loves something and has lost something.

10. Comfort is the enemy of great achievements.

srijeda, 23. siječnja 2013.

Simple facts of becoming GREAT

If we want to be successful in life or in anything that we do, we must know this. The most beautiful and successful people we have known are those who often have known defeat, known what suffering means, known struggle and learned from their personal loss. Those people have found their way out of those depths, they learned from their own failure. These persons have an appreciation, a sensitivity, and an understanding of life that fills them with compassion, gentleness, and a deep loving concern. Just like everything else in life ,beautiful people do not just happen, THEY ARE BUILT! Firstly we need to see some of those facts, and if there is a scale of those facts, in my opinion, this would be the most important ones; 
1. DO NOT use excuses

 Imagine that Nelson Mandela used his prisoner days as an excuse for rage against the system. Instead, he used them for learning, personal development and ultimately to release the country from the oppressive politics. Listen to your excuses, try to understand them why are you constantly making them, they< are in your head. Try to think how to use them for your own personal development and well being.

 2. Know that the "meaning of life" is NOT just you 

Things' like money etc. can be a motivational factor, but rarely can be a major motivating factor. Successful people are different from others because they contribute to positive changes in lives of others.

 3. BE the early bird who goes too sleep late

There are not many stories - successful people "worked hard" in life. They know that as long as the work is not finished, then it is not the time to interrupt your work. There is no substitute for hard work. If you want to be successful, you have to try more than others.

 4. Know that the most important thing is your "life (personal) energy" 

The more energy we have it is easier for us to focus on the goal and be great at it. Physical activity is not just about recreation, but absolutely necessary for the optimal functioning OF YOUR BRAIN. That's why exercise should be converted into a daily routine, and not overbearing obligation.

 5. YOU need to have principles.

 People who stick to their principles at any cost, they succeed even though their principals are extremely unpopular. What are your principles by which you live and whom you would never give up? Do you have them?


We all have moments of doubt in life. What distinguishes successful people from others is the unshakable faith that what they are doing is right. Instead of being shaken, doubt further motivates successful people to show that their optimism was in place.

 7. Have a reason for doing something 

A lot of huge achievements in the history of mankind have reached insecure people who had the need to prove themselves to others. Such people have never considered a failure as a serious possibility. Distinguish why you do what you do, why you give up, why your loved ones suffer because of your commitment, why do you give so much. When you have a "WHY?", everything else comes naturally.

 8. Persistance is an achievment 

The longest journey begins with the ordinary little step, says a Chinese proverb. How much will be steps ahead of us, it is impossible to calculate. Successful people do not count steps, they already walk towards their goal, enjoying the ride because they know WHY they travel. Even when you get to the finish line, think of a new goal and then set off on a new journey. 

9. Constantly study YOUR craft.

 Nikola Tesla has spent thousands of hours studying the work of his predecessor and improving their knowledge. Michaeangelo and Leonardo before creating their masterpiece pretended countless sketches and notes. Learn from everything you get in touch with. Turn yourself into a fortress of knowledge that will help you create a great, inspiring and unique work. 


Who does not risk, does not profit, says our proverb. Although it sounds cornym it is completely accurate. Billions of people throughout the history of mankind could achieve incredible goals, but are only rarely few who had guts to take risk. You want to succeed? Take a deep breath, squeeze your teeth,go for it and do your best.

Dare to live your dreams

srijeda, 16. siječnja 2013.

How (not) to destroy your life!

Stop constantly paying attention on how are you feeling. How are you feeling is only temporarily. Feelings are not under your control. Only your decisions are and how you act on them. Your action is under your control and your actions usually leads to an feelings of pleasure or shame, good or bad.

Stop worrying. Constantly caring about something often worsens things. The more you think about the bad things, it seems more likely that it will happen. Let them be.

Loosen your inner comments. If you want to be happy, stop telling yourself that you are this or that. People constantly tell themselves how they feel, what others feel about them and think etc. We are imperfect beings and we have no capacity to know what is hiding in the minds of other people.

Try not to notice your inner criticism. It is pointless to condemn yourself or some one else. Judging others is also silly and much times stupid. After all, consider who really gives a damn to your opinion.

Stop feeling guilty. Guilt does not change anything. Since it is so. Do not mind. Take responsibility! Go & fix what you broke!

Stop worrying about what the rest of the world says about you. People or events are just that, people or events. And nothing more. In addition, most people have dedicated themselves to talk about you. And if they're talking about you, so what? Be yourself!

Stop worrying about the outcome. Numbers are just numbers. They do not have any mystical powers. Sometimes they overlap in numerical matrices so it doesnt have to mean anything at all. Your only job is to give your best from yourself.

Do not worry about your life and career if it does not go as you have planned it. The more you hold yourself to any plan, sooner you will make a mistake. Since the world is constantly changing every detailed plan usually gets old really fast. So instead plans try to observe things objectively and realistically.

Do not allow others to use you, so they can avoid their own responsibility. You can not be responsible for another person's happiness or success or you can do it for them to achieve. They should find their own path.

Do not worry about your personality because ...... You dont own it. Personality and ego, are an invented concept and often are full of illusions!


nedjelja, 13. siječnja 2013.


Today, like almost on any other Sunday, my bjj brothers and I like to gather around and just "roll" ("Roll" is a term for recreational and easy sparring in JiuJitsu). I havent roll for a quite long time, because of my injuries as I have already mentioned before. I must say today I felt JiuJitsu like i havent felt it for a really long time, I do not mean that I was good or excelent doing it, or that i was dominant, fearless or unstoppable as I try to be every time i "roll". No! This time was different! During a sparring I tried to think about Jiu Jitsu and simultaneously I was trying to think about myself in Jiujiutsu, I asked my self : "What does Jiu Jitsu means to me?" Well, obviously it means a lot to me, it is a great part of me because every time I'm doing it above my pain threshold even If im injured or under a choke, armbar or something else. I do not stop even when im lazy! On every question I have been asking myself, I've got an imediate answer, and after answering it I've got another question, and so on...

"Jiu jitsu is great part of me, now could I live my life without it?"
"What kind of a person would I be today if Iv'e never practiced JiuJitsu?" I've been practiced lots of sports&activities, such as, boxing, weightlifting, bodybuilding etc. but these is much different and better...
It is really incredible and fascinating how much you can learn about yourself through JiuJitsu! I've got the feeling that every moment while Im doing Jiu jitsu, I almost exponentially evolve as a human being, because of this beautiful martial art everything seems quite better and for sure I am functional than ever before ...well, todays experience prompted me to say something about it and blog it, meanwhile I encountered this excellent statement from Joe Rogan after receiveing his black belt...This truly describes what JiuJitsu really is.

"This is seriously one of the proudest moments of my life. Out of all the shit I’ve done in my life…becoming really good at jiu jitsu is probably one of the most difficult things a person can do and I think it helps me with everything I do. I think the more I train and the more I meet people who are in jiu jitsu…people who are in jiu jitsu and train on a regular basis, they’re healthier people. Their egos are healthier. Especially men. They’re easier to talk to. They’re easier to hang out with. Because they’re facing reality on a regular basis.
Something that my tae kwon do teacher told me when I was a little kid that I never forgot was that martial arts are a vehicle for developing your human potential. And nothing in my life has ever put me in face with reality better than jiu jitsu. In life, we can all distort our perception of things in order to make ourselves more comfortable, in order to make ourselves accept where we are. And there’s a lot of people out there that are running around in life full of shit. You can’t be full of shit when you do jiu jitsu. When you do jiu jitsu, it’s impossible to be full of shit because reality comes at you in the purest form possible: A life or death struggle, using your determination, your focus, your techniques, your mind, and your training, over and over and over again.
And it’s reality. And if you fuck up and you get caught in a triangle, you’ve gotta tap. That is the end of story. It’s as real as it can get and that has made me a better person. It has made me a better man, it’s made me understand myself, my weaknesses, my strengths, the shit I need to work on. Jiu jitsu has been one of the most valuable tools that I’ve ever had in my life."
- Joe Rogan, after receiving his black belt

Oss to Ruckus Bjj Clan Zurich & Werdum Combat Team Croatia

subota, 12. siječnja 2013.

Life is an unfolding proccess of becoming...a GENIUS

Who do you think that a genius is? Ask your self those questions? Who do you admire or who is your role model? Here, first of all, I think about the people from your close distance... those who are more or less near you...maybe someone in your family, your friends...Do you know anybody who is a genius?

Well, definition of a genius is someone who has exceptional intellectual ability, creativity, or originality, typically to a degree that is associated with the achievement of unprecedented insight. There is no scientifically precise definition of genius, and the question of whether the notion itself has any real meaning has long been a subject of debate. The term is used in various ways: to refer to a particular aspect of an individual, or the individual in their entirety; to a scholar in many subjects (e.g. Isaac Newton or Leonardo da Vinci) or a scholar in a single subject (e.g., Albert Einstein or Stephen Hawking).
Genius (genius lat = Genius, a patron, a guiding human spirit). Outstanding intellectually, spiritually and creatively gifted person who has commissioned mankind with their parts in the fields of science, culture, art of, politics, etc. In a purely technical sense, the term refers to the person who tested intelligence with an IQ higher than 140. The total population of these people is between 0.5 and 1.0% (Source - Wikipedia)

There above is a specified and official clarification and definition of the respective term ... What interests me is and also what i've noticed - What does the word 'genius' really means?!... In fact, we often find ourselves in a situation where someone (usually with a touch of adoration) for someone else says, "He's a genius." It has often been noted that the genius is a role model or certainly a positive example to those who consider him a genius. Now ... what does that mean? Anyone who has an IQ over 140 is a genius? The fact that he is also perhaps an asshole, does that matter? Say, someone can have a very high IQ and can also be top in their own business but outside of that he can be very egocentric without empathy for others.... For me, that person is not a genius. He's just someone who leaves a certain part of his brain and has quick logic and fast mental abilities in some situations. In other words, someone with "talent". This talent can be expressed in music, in math, physics and so on. Will I admire this person? Will he be a role model for me? Well, I certainly wolud admire his or her's work and the result of it and I would certainly appreciate it, but I leave admiration for people who have developed not just mentaly but also socially, even spiritually and in other ways, no matter what their IQ is... For me, this second group of people is the one of the true geniuses ... those who are, at least to some extent, understand the meaning of life....and in their own greatness is that they are always modest and humble and they do not draw attention to their own greatness and accomplishments and desirable attributes. That is a genius!

"You have a good many little gifts and virtues, but there is no need of parading them, for conceit spoils the finest genius. There is not much danger that real talent or goodness will be overlooked long, and the great charm of all power is modesty. " - Louisa May Alcott

Have a nice weekend!
Mario Draksler 

četvrtak, 10. siječnja 2013.


This time, let me tell you something about injuries and myself.
It's been a while, almost 100 days that I havent trained jiujitsu, because of several injuries that I draged these past couple of years, moustly the problem was with my knee (tumor in tybia bone) and my right hand that I slighlty dislocated during the last tournament that I went on, except that, i have hernias in my back, 4 years ago i had a surgery on my spine, I recovered from it and continued to train, than my both shoulders also have been injured, I have a hole in my fifth rib, a couple of broken fingers on my hand and my foot, and not to mention everything else...

Broken finger...but...Where there is a will, there is a way!

All of those things doesnt bother me not to train, to live fitness and to achieve my personal goals, win tournaments in jiujitsu, or who knows what else. It doesnt stops me to continue the way I live and to take action on everything I do in life...WHY?

OK, lets stop a little bit!
I know this sounds to normal people a bit crazy, youve might think this guy isnt serious...Fortunaetly I'm dead serious, lets put all the love, passion, inspiration, motivation a side and let me explain it purely logicaly and with common sense! As I was saying it isnt a smart choice to quit and start being lazy and not to do new periodization and achieve new fitness or life goals. Quiting training while you are injured to recover yourself as many doctors say, if you are in sport or training it isnt going to solve your current situation, or even your injury, so often other people ask me "Why do you train if you are injured? Why do you bother? You always get new injuries, they think..."
On the contrary, because of everything above I need to train even more and even harder then ever before but also smarter than ever and a bit diferent than before, I need to train to heal and recover myself...that was and always is the cure!
Fortunately for me these days my recovery is almost done, I can say it is done! Ive done 3rd training these week, I feel reborned, stronger than ever, my jiu jitsu went a bit bad because of pausing, but couple of more trainings Ill be back on track with it. Also my fitness level is very high and im also planning to attend and start learning judo, just to bring you little insight....but after all the struggle Ive been to, it is normal for life to has its ups and down's, but it is in your moment of decision what are you going to do and in which direction are you going to go ,are you going to learn from everything and take action, become something better, or just sit and make excuses about everything because YOU are injured, but remember while you are postproning life speeds by. So its always better to take action and belive me it is worth it!
My best friend/trainer and Me on a graduation day

srijeda, 9. siječnja 2013.

People need SPINE!!!!

People can be very strange
Beacuse of their ego's they experience the worst confidence trickster
They enthusiastically begin the path to their "big" goal's
Hopefully they run stormly to it as there is no other vital task.
They feel strong,
but only until they run into problems,
disappointments, unexpected blows, failures...
After dark when everything looks black,
many are scared and they quit.
"No, I can not."
"I'm tired."

"It hurts!"
"Why me and not someone else?"
"There's nothing I can do, others are to blame
 society, relationships. etc. "...

People lack spine!
SPINE as a perseverance, resilience,
self-awareness, self-confidence,
faith in their own strength,
in its value, in principles, virtues...
Spine to hold head upright,
high above all the negative mood's & enviroment..

The spine is the ability to sustain.

We need the backbone to walk upright,
the upright posture of the head,

to take responsibility

to facilitate the burden of worries,
for you to never crawl for money.

We need the backbone to withstand,
the right to continue,
to continue our own path.

With no EXCUSES and 

Only with the STRONG spine
WE WILL be better beings and 
 we'll create a better world!
GO&train yourself!!!

utorak, 8. siječnja 2013.

Winners vs. Losers

What does define you? Is it really so simple to be a winner or is it hard? What is the difference between winning&losing? Vince Lombardi once said that "Winning is a habit, unfortunately, so is losing!" What is the point of that?

One of the gratest things that you can realize about yourself and your selfknowledge is that moustly everything about your life, about how good you are, how good is your relationships, your work, your education etc. everythng in your life is about depends on your attitude.
Attitude like many other things is a state of mind and it is also a decisive act of will, to take action, it depends on your will, it is choosen by you and nobody else, attitude can not be imposed and that is a fact! That is why it is so important to always question yourself and your actions, because choosing to be positive when life brings you hard times or any kind of troubles (or you may call it difficulties) and having a grateful attitude can really make you strive for action and make a big difference and it will finaly going to determine how you're going to live your life and how or what your final outcome is going to be, is it going to be failure or succes, is it going to be winning or losing! It moustly depends on little things such as attitude! Which is an obvious difference between Good&bad attitude. Well then, let me tell you a "little thing" and diference in attitudes and what is the difference between winners&losers...

Winners focus on solutions, while losers focus on their problems. Winners take responsibility, while losers always blame others. Winners always find oportunity in crisis, while losers complain abaout the crisis.Winners enjoy the present and learn from the past, the losers live in the past. Winners make promises and fulfill them no matter what, the losers are never fulfilled. Winners are considering how they can achieve their goals and losers always have their excuses. Winners put personal development as a priority, losers neglect personal development. Winners face their own fears, accept them and move forward from them, the losers are lost in fear and moustly they are not even aware of their situation. Winners constantly expand their comfort zone, the losers are holding their own comfort zone. Winners always act, losers do not work and they lack perseverance. Winners accept defeat and learn from it and losers are afraid of defeat and avoid them. Winners are trying a variety of strategies when they do not get the expected results, the losers are doing the same thing over again and expecting better results. Winners set goals, losers do not. Winners plan, the losers hate planning.
Winners believe that there is always something to learn, losers put themselves as experts, even when they know little. Winners are humble, losers are egoists. Winners work hard, losers avoid to work hard, moustly they are lazy. Winners give their best when they do something, losers only give a part of yourself when you are working.
Winners are persistent and will do whatever it takes (in terms of sport&ethics) in order to accomplish their goals, losers quit obstacles as they arise. Winners wisely use their time and devote themselves to activities that will bring them closer to the goal, losers poorly manage their time and enjoy activities that they just take their time. Winners think about the possibilities, losers focus on obstacles that will prevent them from reaching their goal. Winners believe in their dreams, losers suspect. Winners control their destiny, all the losers are left to fate. Winners give more than they take, the losers take more than they can give. Winners think and lead, losers refuse to think and therefore must follow the other. Winners spend their money on personal improvement, losers think that spending money on pointless training's and prefer to buy things that give them instant satisfaction. Winners help others to win, losers refuse help and think only of them self. Winners are people who souround themselfs with like-minded ones and who can give them even more enhance. progress and upturn and losers souround themself with similar people who surround them and sooner or later they lead them to ruin.

Wisdom lies is in "little things", little "choices" is what you need to develop an attitude of gratitude, and give thanks for everything that happens to you and finaly knowing that every step forward is a step toward achieving something bigger and better than your current situation. Little choices about attitude are the ones that makes a hell of a difference between good&bad, between winning&losing, and finaly between living&dying,! Attitude affects everything in your life! Attitude is a choice, like winning is! Choose to win and choose to live and be a winner!

četvrtak, 3. siječnja 2013.

Fitness is like Water

To understand what is the point of headline I must explain to you what does fitness means. First of all most of us missunderstoods the whole concept of what is Fitness. Most of people thinks that fitness reflects on a training regime or how to exercise on a machines at the gym, or they think it is some kind of institution where people socialize and exercise or do something else. There are all type of terms of Fitness such as health-related fitness etc. but as a core concept what does fitness means?

What is Fitness?

    The condition of being physically fit and healthy.
    The quality of being suitable to fulfill a particular role or task.

The nessesity for being a particular individual in term of true sense what fitness represent as a lifestyle also means in mine opinion to be complete as an person and generally as a human being, also and moustly as an character. To achieve that complete-ness we must be healthy, we must achieve that in every sense that this word "healthy" represent, not just mostly in physicall, conditionaly, psychological terms and also in others. We must constantly work on our personal development as human beings and we must set that as our primary goal to achieve success and greatness, both in fitness or any area in life.

There is an old saying that "Water is the source of all life" so you can see the connection and simplicity of it, i would say also that for fitness, because if you want to make through life you must take responsibilities for your condition, your health and yourself. In every possible way. But when you decide to act on it, first, It will hurt! It will take time. It will require dedication. It will require willpower. You will always strive to make healthy decisions. Sometimes it will require sacrifice. You will need to push your body and mind to their maximum limits. You will have temptations sometimes, but I promise you when you reach your goals and destinations, it will be worth it.  
Dont just go through life, grow through life and be Fit!

Mario Draksler