The life cycle of JiuJitsu can not survive if it is not consisted of the systems of values and virtues, such as courage, goodness, kindness, justice, honesty, honor, commitment and loyalty.
So it is merely normal within Jiu Jitsu that excelent fighters are always compared with Samurai's and therefore it is logical for it because they bind with their precisely value system. That "samurai" system is called Bushido (Japanese 武士道,Bushido) which literally means "the way of the warrior" and describes the code of conduct and philosophy of life, in which they have been operated!
Nowdays in environments dominated and prevaled with conformism, laziness and failure it is logical and common that those contradictional values have become incomprehensible phenomenon and majority doesnt understands them or merely someone lives by them.
If you do jiu jitsu, judo or any similar sport or martial art who advocated these similarities and if you live by the warrior code, often you will remain misunderstood and confronted with the opposing situations that will sometimes slow you down towards your goals.
"On Saturdays I like to go out!" - some say "On Sundays, I love to sleep or go to a coffee!" - Say others. "
It is best to fight others with your bare hands! "- ignorant says.
" We are never together! "- your girlfriend or boyfriend tells you.
Some say that you'll never achieve anything, that you waste your time.
"Start thinking about college or work" - parents say.
But think this, what they all know what does jiujitsu represent to you and what does Jiujitsu means to you?
What do they know about the tension and nerves that they do not let you sleep the night before a competition?! .. What do they know about fighting and trainings that you did when you were injured?! .. What do they know about the shock and pain you tolerate every single day and at every moment?! .. What do they know about the anxiety while you wait to get back on your mat?! .. What do they know as you gain or lose a second before the end of the battle, and for that you been preparing for that fight all the time, sometimes all year, what do they know how it feels?! .. What do they know what do you think and how do you feel when you are getting warmed up 20 minutes before the fight?! .. What do they know how bad it is when you have to pause because of injury?! .. What they know how much pain is when you have broken nose, cracked tooth, broken fingers, cracked ribs, hole in your knee, problems with your spine... ?! .. What do they know about what do you feel in my soul because of injury when you give up the struggle?! What do they know about cold showers that you experienced?! ..
What do they know how much you love this sport and their art!?!? .. What do they know about your other family, your friends and brothers from the "mats"? ... What do they know how does it feel when you climb on the winning podium?!! Will they ever experience the pride and beautiful emotions of that moment ?!?! Do they know that in Jiujitsu everything starts and ends with a bow, do they know it means respect? It doesnt matter if you are on the mats, internet forums, or alone with yourself, or with the heart of a team and on the other side your opponent principles are the same, its a same thing, by entering a tatami every sound stops. In your mind, audience, referee and coach,every sound while you are entering on the mat, everything disappears around you ... Priceless feeling!
People who do not support you or the people who offends you they do not know that one club is one soul! This is our life, what do they know?! .. A lot of people say, "Jiujitsu has nothing to do with your life!".
I do not know if they know something about life, but about jiujitsu they certainly do not know anything! .. It is very easy to criticize fighters and martial arts, consider them a brute, non-athletes, but would you do that for a moment thatm just try it, my friend?
Those who dont know you and they think that you are ignorant conflicting individual, only beacuse you are trained and ready for any form of struggle or one knows the sacrifice that you need too make and endure to come and stand on the mat, accept yourself completely, look in the eye with an opponent and everytime give your best... Behind one great man who does JiuJitsu
for a living is a forgone youth, he does not take excuses or regrets for anything, it is just a price for him to realize his own dream.
We are losing guys, girls, priceless family moments, birthdays, nights out, summer and winter vacations .. But people do not see it - just saying that everthing is foolishness! So when you see someone who competes or lives JIU JITSU - respect him because to reach this, it took three and many times more effort than you can ever imagine!
So it turns out clearly that our environment knows almost nothing what is Jiu Jitsu because everything that JiuJitsu truely represents is being a true athletic warrior with all the great will that you need too have constatntly so you can overpower any physical and/or mental constrains only to achieve the next level of success.
That is the difference between ordinary man and a modern day Samurai!
(Some text is partly edited from Judo club POIROT)