utorak, 29. siječnja 2013.

Golden Age Of 30

Experiencing age of 30 in some chronological sense and as a society conditioned number, to me it really doesnt means a lot, but today's people regardless of gender, number 30 does represent them a certain psychological limit! Except that, society in many ways is conditioning them and limit them moustly in psychological way, but again on the other side from begining of man kind, it is very likely that this is always so, and therefore it has nothing to do with their "thirties", rather think it has nothing to do neither with any age!
So what should i say about the number and age "thirty"?
No. 30, as well as each other is just a number on the birth certificate! Are you going to accept something, in a way that will something work or benefit for you? How will you feel and how will you percieve something? Does it mather what your environment will be and how it might affect you? Will you be the product of it or will you strive to change it and make it better? Will you go towards life or run away from it? Will you solve problems? What will you do for a living? Who do you love? Do you want to be a healthy person? Finally...IT IS ALL UP TO YOU! EVERYTHING IS YOUR CHOICE.
Sooner or later all of the responsibility of your existence and the direction your life goes is in your hands, no matter how things are difficult or absurd, as you look the situation closely, that is the only way! "You have all the cards of the game called life, but you have to watch your time, because the clock is ticking, check your cards and give your best, even if you lose".

The problem of "losing" has nothing to do with any numbers, or how old you are. Nature of this problem is "invisible" and what is invisible to the eye is often most important and critical. The problem lies in the individual's own experience. Often we do not have adequate or enough life experience to realize the "path" in front of us or behind us! Often we do not know how to connect the dots, and to observe that the only correct way, and that is to live properly in proportion to our ability to "receive" our own experience, and that would mean that when we fail at something, at the same time we should learn from these mistakes!
Our wisdom or should i say, our art of living, deep knowledge, insight and ability to be reasonable comes from our experience, but firstly our experience comes from our own foolishness, our mistakes and delusions!

My thirties and My life till 30 brought me a variety of experiences, some were good, some bad, but even through the worst experiences, now that I look at it and when I "connect the dots" all the bad things that I had experienced it finally made me something good.
Sooner or later you will get wiser. So dont worry! Always "question" yourself and your thoughts and the way you think, give your best, and learn from it!
Some of the wisdom that you may learn till your "30 (40,50, xxx)" birthday...

1. People are not against you, moustly they are for themselves.

2. Do not climb the mountain so the world can see you, but clime it too see the world.

3. More lessons will you pull out of failure than from success, so do not let failure stop you. Failure strengthens and builds character. Learn from it.

4. The most dangerous of all risks - risk spend your life doing what you want it because you think you'll be able to purchase your freedom to do it sometime in the future.

5. Go where others "celebrates" you, and not where you are tolerated.

6. The person with whom you spend the most time in your life is your own self, because of that, try and learn as much as you can do, for yourself be as interesting as possible.

7. If you accept your limitations, you'll be able to overcome them, learn from them!

8. People often tell me that motivation doesnt last and sometimes that it isnt necessary for daily progress. Often I say: Effects do not last even when you bath or wash something or yourself. But what they contribute and benefit you, because of that it is recommended as a daily dose.

9. Every man I encountered in my life is afraid of something, loves something and has lost something.

10. Comfort is the enemy of great achievements.

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